Launch of TISS Heralds New Opportunities for National Team on Security Surveillance
The Service Office of the Taiwan Industry Association of Intelligent Security and Safety (TIAISS) was officially opened yesterday (16th) with Hi Sharp (3128) Chairman Jerry Chiang as its first president. Yang said that the global security and safety industry experienced several great upheavals during 2020 such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and the US adding top Chinese surveillance companies Hikvision and Dahua as well as IC supplier Hisilicon to the entity list. US sanctions and friction with China can be said to give Taiwanese surveillance companies a chance to rise from the ashes.
Yang said that the TIAISS’s next task is to build up rapport among its members and clear the air in the security and safety industry. They will also lobby the government to make TIAISS membership a prerequisite for undertaking public security and safety projects, implementing a security and safety licensing mechanisms, and delegating the management of information security marks for security and safety to the TIAISS. The authoring of a smart security and safety policy white paper is another important task that he will oversee during his term. Yang’s ultimate goal is to work together to usher in another golden era for Taiwan's security and safety industry.
The predecessor of TIAISS was the Taiwan Safety and Security Industry Association (TSSIA) founded in 2015 with the support of the MOEA Industrial Development Bureau. The TSSIA was charged with consolidation of the domestic safety industries, supporting the development of the security and safety industry, and stimulating industry development. With the coming of the smart era, the industry association was upgraded in scope in order to leverage Taiwan's edge and capabilities in information and communications technology (ICT) to support the upgrading of the security and safety industry, and boost its industrial-economic status.
TIAISS was formally established on December 19, 2019, and its Service Office was officially opened yesterday. Hi Sharp Chairman Jerry Chiang , Mr. Wu Jung-I (Chairman of Taiwania Capital Management Corporation and Senior Advisor to the President), Chairman Chen Wen-Chang of Vivotek Inc. (3454), Mr. Chang Ching-Chih (current TIAISS chairman and President of Vital Resource Co., Ltd.), Taoyuan City Mayor Cheng Wen-Tsan, Director-General Kuo Yu-Hsin (Department of Economic Development, Taoyuan City), and Secretary-General Chen Pei-Li (Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA) all personally attended the event to give their blessings.